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发布时间:2014-02-28   类别:小学英语作文     阅读量:288次

I have a sister. Her name is Li Xin. She is fifteen years old now. Like many other middle school students, she has black long hair and always ties them up. But she has a specialty that she can play piano very well. She began to learn the piano at the age of five. She likes piano very much, so she can practice it all the day. She once said that she is happy when playing piano. Until now, she has performed in many places. She is a piano player of some renown. I am proud of her.我有一个姐姐,名字叫李欣。她今天十五岁了。和其他许多中学生一样,她有一头乌黑的长发,经常扎成马尾。但是,她有一项特长,那就是她弹得一手好钢琴。姐姐从五岁开始学习钢琴,她很喜欢钢琴,可以练习一整天。她曾说过,弹钢琴的时候她感觉很快乐。到目前为止,她已经在很多地方表演过了,是一位小有名气的钢琴演奏者。我为我的姐姐感到自豪。

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