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一场冰雹a hailstorm

发布时间:2014-02-28   类别:小学英语作文     阅读量:374次

Last night, I was waked up by a hailstorm at the midnight. The hail was very heavy. It hit heavily on the windows of my house. It was more scared than the lightening. I was afraid. After a long, I fell asleep under my quilt. Next morning, I was sad when I saw my favorite sun flowers were all dead. A day before, they were growing prosperous. I hate hail. 昨天晚上,午夜的时候我被冰雹惊醒了。冰雹很大。它重重地撞在我家里的窗户上。冰雹比闪电还可怕。我很害怕。过了很长的时间,我在被子里面睡着了。第二天早晨,当我看到我最喜欢的向日葵全死了的时候,我非常的伤心。前一天,它们还长得很旺盛。我讨厌死冰雹了。

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