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发布时间:2014-03-03   类别:高中英语作文     阅读量:164次

We only have one earth, but this unique earth is not simple. There are many things need people to understand, to solve. Let me take illness as an example. Everyone will get ill, such as catch a cold, have a fever, cough, sugar diabetes and so on. These diseases are so common. As people have paid attention on them, anyone who gets any disease of them would not have to worry about too much. They will be cured at last. However, there are some rare diseases, which not many people realize. Some people fracture head touched on the bone, some people all body is white, some people is difficult to control bleeding once he falls to bleed, some people’s all body muscle is weakness and atrophy. The chance to have those kinds of diseases is one in a million. But it is hard for them to be diagnosed and even they were diagnosed, the cure is limited and expensive. Those poor people need the notice of the society. They need to be treated, to be cared and to be understood. Help them, please.我们只有一个地球,但这唯一的地球并不是那么简单。有很多事情需要人们去了解,去解决。让我以疾病为例吧。每个人都会生病的,如感冒,发烧,咳嗽,糖尿病等。这些疾病都是很常见的。由于人们对这些疾病的关注,不管是谁得了其中一种疾病都不用太担心。他们最后都会被治愈的。然而,有一些罕见的疾病却没多少人知道。有的人骨头一碰就骨折,有的人全身都是白色的,有的人一摔跤出血就很难控制,有的人全身肌肉萎缩无力。患这些疾病的几率只有万分之一。但它们却很难被诊断出来,即使诊断出来了,治疗方法也是有限的,费用也是昂贵的。那些可怜的人需要得到社会的关注。他们需要治疗,需要关注,需要理解。帮帮他们吧。

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