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  • 2014-05-28自信是通往成功的第一步

    Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your ability. Otherwise...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28大学生逃课现象之我见

    It is not hard to see that the universitys class only has a few students attending to the course. As a Chinese student, we always follow the strict attendance r...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28人生最痛苦的事作文

    When it comes to the topic What is the greatest pain in life? People always take different views on that question. 当谈到人生何事最痛苦这个话题时,人们总有不同的...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28口语测试之我见

    It is a common phenomenon that students have to take oral English test during college. Some people think that it is necessary for them to have oral test so that...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28李娜传奇故事

    Li Na, a famous Chinese female tennis player, is familiar by most young people. She is the top tennis player around the world. She is only one Asian female tenn...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28网络购物双十一

    When it comes to November 11, whats on your mind? Well, as to the old generations, its only an ordinary day; however, the young generations will consider it as ...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28大学教育的目的

    According to many people, university is a springboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal of university education is to get a degree. Wh...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28别再自残了太蠢了

    Sometimes people will do some extreme things when they feel tremendous pressure, they might do self-mutilation. Instead of expressing their feelings openly, the...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28考试舞弊之我见

    Though it is contemptible to most of the students and forbidden by the university and authority, cheating is far from extinct. Whats worse is that those who che...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28学习历史的必要性

    A large number of students hold a misunderstanding towards history study because they consider it as useless and boring. However, each subject has its own value...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28怎么样保持大学宿舍的和谐

    There is no doubt that it is very important to keep a harmonious relationship with our roommates since we spend most of time in the dorms as college students.Ho...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28美剧给我们的影响

    Nowadays, as the economy gets globalized, communication between countries has been highly improved; the culture impact is being gradually obvious. In China, we ...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28大学专业应该偏向实用性

    With the progress of society, some people argue that the courses in universities should be changed into more practical. In order to help students find good jobs...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28多证书是否就意味更多机会?

    Nowadays,it seems quite common that college students take part in different kinds of examinations, just in order to get the certificates. Some of them even take ...[阅读全文]

  • 2014-05-28孩子们玩电脑游戏弊端之我见

    Nowadays children are spending far too much time and money on computer games. As a result, some people even suggest that video games should be done away with. T...[阅读全文]