
更新时间:2024-06-16 11:18:11 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx




After two years of social life, I grew up a lot. I make a brief summary of my past two years harvest and experience and use it as a guide for my future actions.

Thinking, I pursue progress, ideological awareness has been greatly improved.

During my job as an office clerk, I felt that the position of office clerk plays an important role in the coordination and coordination of the operation of the enterprise. As an office clerk, to love their jobs, work conscientiously, be not afraid of hardship tired spirit, but also a willing unknown hero. Be fair, loyal to your duties and work hard at your skills.


Treat serious and responsible work, good communication and coordination with strong organizational ability and team spirit; lively and cheerful, optimistic, caring and good at teaching parallel; self-motivated, diligent in learning can improve their ability and comprehensive quality. In the future work, I will work hard with abundant energy and painstaking study, and steadily improve my ability to work and develop simultaneously with the enterprise.


I am honest and trustworthy, rigorous and practical work, serious and responsible, smart things. Have a positive attitude towards life and a wide range of hobbies, have good psychological quality and hard-working spirit, have their own views on things, and have a strong ability to work together. I have young peoples unique vitality and courage, rich in pioneering thinking and excitement, good writing skills, oral expression and communication skills, focus on teamwork. During the school, long-term electronic dictionaries and other electronic products campus sales representatives, has held many products exhibition. Participated in many community activities, including planning activities, activities and outreach work, has successfully held Coca Cola Co visits, Zhuhai college graduates, hip-hop party co campus recruitment and M-Zone challenge College dance. More than half a years experience in foreign trade shipping.



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