
更新时间:2024-07-18 19:15:53 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



护士应聘英文自我介绍1First of all, I am honored to stand here for the interview and thank you for your leadership in this interview!

My name is ** *. I graduated from ****** ** school nursing major. In my mind, nursing is a sacred, noble and great profession, and the nurse is an extraordinary person in an ordinary post. This sacred profession has been my ideal since childhood, and with a constant pursuit of ideals, I have finally come to this starting point.

Three years of college life has quietly gone. In the past three years, I have been enthusiastic about nursing career, and I have been a major in learning. I have achieved good results. I have been awarded outstanding student cadre, self-reliance and self-reliance, advanced inpidual and outstanding university graduates. In addition, I also enriched my extracurricular knowledge, participated in various extracurricular activities and part-time jobs, participated in the national computer secondary training and obtained the certificate of qualification. Through two years of theoretical study in school and hospital study one year clinical practice, I mastered as a nurse should have the basic ability, but also established as a nurse should have love and sense of responsibility and collective sense of honor and other important concepts.

Facing new environment, new starting point, new challenge, I will try my best. Just finding a way to succeed and not making excuses for failure is my motto. I know to become an excellent care workers, we must constantly improve themselves, for Im learning theory knowledge but also to enter oneself for an examination the chongqing medical university bachelor degree self-study exam in order to enhance their own.

Finally, I sincerely thank you for your leadership in this interview. If I have the privilege of becoming a member of your hospital, I will devote myself to nursing with full enthusiasm, and repay your hospital with my sweat, knowledge and enthusiasm. I firmly believe that your trust will be the driving force of my efforts!

Thats all, thank you.

护士应聘英文自我介绍2Thank you very much for giving me this interview. I am xx university xx university xx senior high vocational nursing graduates. I have a solid foundation of nursing knowledge, skilled operation skills and certain organizational skills. I am confident that I am qualified for the future nursing post. Here, I recommend myself to you, hoping to realize my self-worth through competitive competition, and get the opportunity to work and study in your organization.

Nursing is a sacred profession whose value lies in saving lives. Two years of theoretical study and more than one year of clinical practice have given me a serious and meticulous attitude to work, a quality of hard work, a quiet and quiet character and a positive attitude. I have a caring heart for patients, I love nursing, and I am willing to continue my studies in the actual clinical practice.

Nurses needed now, of course, is the comprehensive quality, so during the period of school, I pay attention to exercise comprehensive study and work, I served as minister of students life, the theory of group leader, organize to carry out the party construction knowledge learning activities for many times, organize many hundred dormitory comparison, DIY series, has certain organization foundation and innovative ability. And constantly enrich themselves, to the party organization actively, presently for party members, senior party class training is accepted, and smoothly passed the party class exam, try their best to make themselves interdisciplinary talents needed by the society today.

As a college student in the 21st century, I am not only satisfied with the study of theoretical knowledge of the university, but I often go to social theory to connect with reality and improve my comprehensive ability in practice. I believe that I can adapt myself to the fierce competition environment of today.

I sincerely thank you for your attention to me. I hope your company can give me a chance to realize my dream and show my talent, and wish you a thriving and prosperous career!



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