
更新时间:2024-07-20 19:20:45 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

dear leaders:
thank you for your busy schedule to take some time to look at my自荐信. i am a university of electronic information engineering college students, graduates session. i majored in detection instrumentation.
in college, i learned hard work, outstanding achievement, was awarded a scholarship on five separate occasions, firm and strong practical ability, the training school, the curriculum design were excellent results. in addition, i also specializes in computer and english, has passed through a computer assessment and national levels a four english-speaking countries. at the same time, i carried out a systematic computer study, courses include: computer and cultural foundation, the basis of computer software, computer hardware, computer interface technology, computer control technology, and learning the c language, vb, office and macro assembler. knowledge of learning theory, i also pay attention to practical ability. great time i attended the school of electronic science and technology association. second arrogant, i've prepared in the laboratory experiments to help teachers. often involved in the maintenance of laboratory equipment, laboratory equipment for the more familiar, practical ability and capacity than the more experimental, to develop single-chip systems, familiar with the dsp hardware, software applications.
in order to cultivate the ability of all aspects of their own, i have long served as a dormitory, student union cadres, ban squad leader and squad leader detection professional classes. i also actively participate in the planning of community activities, to establish broad relationships, organizing a series of planning activities, liking of their teachers praise students. the squad leader was in office during the i and the concerted efforts of the whole class, i have been class civilized school classes, classes in the city the title of civilization, i have also been rated as excellent school students. have strong organizational skills and the use of the theoretical and practical capabilities.
down-to-earth and trustworthy, others in good faith, the enthusiasm of doing things and positive is my motto, honesty冀贵company give me a opportunity to display their talent and become one of your company through thick and thin, i will be able to help your company's development of a hand!

people put themselves forward:



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求职信是求职者写给用人单位的信,目的是让对方了解自己、相信自己、录用自己,它是一种私人对公并有求于公的信函。以下是整理的关于会计出纳求职信,仅供参考!  篇一  尊敬的领导:  您好!  感谢您阅读我的自荐材料。我是xx大学xx校区的一名应...

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