
更新时间:2024-07-27 15:33:45 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

distinguished leadership of your company:


  due to your company and the longing for self-development, achievement of self-desire, as a society is about to become college students, i sincerely look forward to their own careers on the fan set sail smoothly from here.

  thinking - a guide for all actions. courses of study not only makes me more determined the direction of socialism, and made me more aware of a keen grasp of the political atmosphere of the times a company vital to the development of enterprises. especially in the process of establishing a modern enterprise system, it was almost reached a consensus: a powerful ideological driving force is one of the components of intangible assets. i am willing to use their own profession and the company is committed to business ideas with colleagues and enhance the company cohesion and combat effectiveness.

  management - an important aspect of the modern enterprise. people entering the management of the core stage, the study "how a mans work" indispensable. despite the complexity of the work of man can also have a sense of accomplishment. in addition to information on the ideological education of a large number of professional knowledge, i have a lot of self-study such as business management courses, often through the magazines in this regard, very interested in what the practice in this regard, the theory used in real life.

  law - the protection of the rights and interests of an effective weapon. to war, businesses will inevitably fall into economic disputes, in order to remove the obstacles to develop the adverse factors, it is necessary to resort to law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests. although it is engaged in ideological education, but i also learn a great deal of hard laws and regulations, if the opportunity arises, i hope your company can become a legal service workers, for the company to share problem-solving.

  no man is perfect, so they are active at the same time to correct the shortcomings, i have to "live and learn" as its motto, i do not know your company can give me an opportunity to continue learning?

  thank you for your concern is whether i am chollima take you to decide by simple desire of shenzhou rocket you will be lucky hands toward me!

Peking University 毕业生的英文求职信



姓  名: XX 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 阳江 身材: 155 cm 43 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 29 培训认证: 诚信徽章:   求职 意向及工作经历 人才 类型: 普通 求职   应聘职位...

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保安的个人简历在一定程度上决定了应聘者的成功几率,因此面试之前一定要写好自己的简历。以下是整理的优秀保安求职简历模板,欢迎阅读!  篇一  姓名:马先生性别:男  婚姻状况:已婚民族:汉族  户籍:陕西-西安年龄:30  现所在地:广东-东...

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