
更新时间:2024-07-31 08:02:17 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

dear tour manager:
first please allow me to extend my sincere greetings and best wishes, thank you for taking the time to read my cover letter and wish your organization business thriving, flourishing!

i am a tourism management, jiangxi institute of education in school sophomore, recently informed of your travel agency is recruiting guides, i hope to have the opportunity to travel to your work.
in school, i study hard and expertise, and its invested enormous enthusiasm and energy, and after careful study and textbook knowledge, i have actively participated in the training practice, and have achieved certain results, and i in through a national tour qualification examinations and obtain the certificate in , took part in the may-june tour of jiangxi education with the mission of training and practice, accumulated some work experience in the spare time i read the back carefully attractions guide words, i learned there skills, knowledge and grasp of the relevant industry information, and for speech training, exercise his eloquence, there is a strong practitioner with knowledge and skills. i'm good at storytelling, character, cheerful living waves, like with people, able to handle all types of emergencies, in two practical activities have been recognized by tourists. i usually like sports, and physical well to hard-working, for me, the guide is a challenging, interesting work, i have it full of enthusiasm!

i look forward to learning has been used, eager to practice their knowledge can be the test, but looking forward to enrich my experience and life experience. i believe i will do in this wonderful work. expect you to give me a stage to show their!





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2024-07-31 08:00



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2024-07-30 19:50
