
更新时间:2024-08-07 19:43:23 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

Name: Yu xx Sex: Male

  Date of Birth: 1987-09-26 Nationality: Han

  Height: 180 Weight: 60

  Place of origin: Jiangxi current location: Guangdong

  Nationality: Chinese Marital status:

  Educational background

  Highest level of education: college Putonghua: Good

  Foreign Language: English Language: General

  Graduate institutions: Higher post-secondary science Jiangxi Xinyu graduated Date: on 20_ -6

  Studies by Category: Computer Professional Name: Environmental Art and Design

  Personal experience

  Three times in school when the use of vacation time to train factory workers! In the training process to a correct understanding of and active efforts to the completion of their work!

  Ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal

  Work takes a positive and serious attitude, a strong sense of responsibility and willingness to work hard is willing to fight; being sincere, careful, optimistic, prudent; good sense of innovation, the spirit of cooperation, and can quickly adapt to working environment, and practical work in learning and constantly improve themselves and do their jobs.

  Education / training experience:

  on-year to       years on the school / professional training institutions in the name / subject name of certificate obtained

  September 20_ -20_ in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province in June Xiushui County Junior High School First School in September 20_ -20_ in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province in June of excellence Xiushui County High School in September 20_ school year in June, Jiangxi -20_ Provincial University College xinyu

  Intention with the work experience job

  Talent type: Graduates Job type: Full-time

  I hope the job candidates: Design Technology

  Work Experience: 0 Title: No Title

  Monthly requirements: Negotiable hope that the working area: Guangdong

  Can be reported for duty Date: Guangdong




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有的人认为,如果一份简历最能够充分表现自己的任职资格和工作能力以及经验等,那就算是写得的简历。其实这种看法并非反映了求职的真实状况。 简历的一个重要目的就是要尽可能地使招聘单位对你产生注意力和发生兴趣,能够使得人才交流中心和介绍所对你...

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小学生升入初中的简称。小升初入学考试与初中升高中的中考、高中升大学的高考并列为中小学生的三大考试,学生也可以写自荐信求学。以下是整理的优秀版小升初自荐信,欢迎阅读!  篇一  亲爱的老师:  你们好!  我叫×××,来自于××××中心小学,...

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要记住你的个人简历必须突出重点,它不是你的个人自传,与你申请的工作无关的事情要尽量不写,而对你申请的工作有意义的经历和经验绝不能漏掉。以下是整理的行政助理个人简历范文,欢迎阅读! >【篇一】行政助理个人简历范文  姓名:  年龄:  户口所...

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在学习、工作、生活中,我们都不可避免地要使用自我评价,自我评价是进行自我教育、自我完善的重要途径之一。以下是整理的20_心理素质自我评价,欢迎阅读!>1.20_心理素质自我评价  高中学习生活是我一生中最重要的阶段。三年不仅是我不断增长知识...

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