
更新时间:2024-08-12 19:45:49 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx




 以下《word个人简历模板下载》、《个人简历表格下载word》简历模板大全 个人简历表格免费下载 毕业简历模板一页word下载 实习生空白简历下载 大学就业个人简历模板 彩色个性简历模板 最新个人简历范文模板下载 空白word简历下载 应届生个人空白简历模板下载word格式 简单实用的个人简历下载 大学生简历模板word格式免费下载 应届生求职简历空白下载 最新毕业生空白个人简历模板下载 word格式应届生个人简历模板下载 最新应届毕业生个人简历模板下载


个人基本简历  姓名:-国籍:中国个人照片目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:江西身材:158 cm 46 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:23 岁培训认证: 诚信徽章:  求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:贸易类:外贸员   英语翻译   文教法律类 教师工作年限:1职称:无职称求职类型:均可可到职-随时月薪要求:xx--3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:在校期间经常做英语家教
xx年 在校担任学习委员
xx年 夏天 做过一段时间的立顿茶叶促销活动
xx年 在校组织过学校的英语角
xx年暑假 在一家网吧当过网吧管理员
xx年春节 在清华做义务导游,主要是带外国朋友浏览清华圆
xx.7-10  北京智瑞达信息技术有限公司(实习)   秘书兼销售助理
至今   兼职翻译  教育背景毕业院校:北京某学校最高学历:大专毕业-xx-07-01所学专业一:英语所学专业二: 受教育培训经历:学历:英语专科(正在进修国际贸易本科自考)  语言能力外语:英语 优秀  国语水平:优秀粤语水平:一般  工作能力及其他专长   主要负责做好办公室勤杂内务工作,文书档案管理,做好上级及公司内有关文件收发,登记,传阅,下发归档工作。负责组织内部召开的各种会议的会务工作,做好会议记录。做好领导交办的其他各项工作。以及协助销售人员做好上门客户的接待和电话来访工作,负责打印报价单,给客户报价跟踪结果。
  之后返校在北大念本科自考!期间主要兼职翻译和英文导游,暑假期间深圳教过深圳达文培训中学,教过一个暑期的商务英语。  详细个人自传   本人性格活泼,热情主动,在校时很注重课外实践,做事认真,注意细节,很注重团队之间的合作!英语口语能力强,在校时为了提高口语,经常游动于人民大学,清华大学,中国农业大学的英语角,人际关系比较广,善于交流,同时为了提高听力与口语的综合能力,自己经常主动与外国朋友进行交流。翻译能力强,在校翻译毕业成绩为98分。
  祝贵公司业务蒸蒸日上,谢谢!english resume:          resume
name :danyan wu                                                  adress :lin he east street, lin he housing estate in tian he district in guangzhou 
phonemumber : 008613025198734                                postal code :510510
e-mail :                               birhtday:oct 15th 1984
birthday place :yingtan city in jiangxi province            nationality: han nationality
sexual distinction:female                                             weight : 46kg
height: 158cm                                 health:verygood                              
number of identification:360622198410152082 

to obtain a challenging position as a translator or oversea office clerk
education :special training of self-taught of advance education in beijing (still study for undergrauate degree in english and international trade)
academic main courses: oral english ,writing english,interpretation,listening ,writing translate ,grammer
music ,walking ,play basketball
special skill:speaking english very well,has great ability of cooperation with others in the company can learn thing very well and fast ,and can communicate with customers very well ,and have great ability of dependance
when i was at school the common things  i have done was that ,to be a private english teacher,in xx i was committee of study at my class,in xx i helped lidun tea company to promote his tea,in xx i have oragnization a english -corner for our school to help classmates to improve his oral english ,during winter vacation i worked at a net bar as an administrator ,during the new year of xx ,i was a tour guide for some of foreigners for free in tsinghua university ,my duty was to lead them visit qinghua ,on july in xx when i have graduated from my school and i got a practical opportunity  in beijing zuiruida infomation and technology limited corporation ,i was a staff , my position is that secretory and assistant market.after that ,i back school continue my study for undergraduate degree in self-taught of peking university,during these time i was a translator and guidor for new foreigners friends in beijing until now !cause of my family problem i cant stay school any more ,and as an adult i have duty to foot on myself ,so i came out for my job,i was born in south ,and i think in guangzhou i will find my world ,so i came here to find my job!
self - in troduction
i am good at spoken english , can use english very well ,when i was at school i always went to english -corner to practise my oral english ,and i always try my best to speak with foreigners ,so i have many foreign friends ,and i am a hard-working girl i have energy to work and study for our company ,i am a loyal and conscientious person ,and i think it is very important to work together with other bodies in corporation, one person can not create the world ,working lonely is not good for expanding our company .of course it can not make our corporation more and more thriving and prosperous, now i am still studying for my undergraduate courses,and i think if you give me an opportunity to prove that i have such capability ,i will try my best and to obtain the interest that you want ,if i was your staff,i will put all my back on my job,and become ,one of your best one in your corporation,i will make you satisfy and pleased with my work !i hope i will be one of your company to dedicate myself heart and soul to the work of our corporation, i wis i will have such an honor soon in one day!

best wishes for your corporation,wish your company more and more flourishing !

thank you !




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