
更新时间:2024-08-25 15:38:44 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

Jenny Seguso
  2365 S Mayfield Ave
  Chicago, IL 60652
  Cell: (123)-555-1234
  Career Objective: To gain the position of a Logistic Staff Officer wherein my skills and experience will contribute towards the growth of the organization.
  Professional Experience:
  Duration: March 20_ till date
  Organization: Strategic Operational Support, Chicago
  Designation: Logistic Staff Officer
  Developed and implemented effective methodologies and tools for effective execution of logistic plan
  Prepared logistics and supported plans, and overseen budget requirements for new operation
  Prepared reports on staff and material movements and other operational logistics issue
  Responsible for identifying, planning and managing logistics operations to meet organizational goals
  Monitored and supervised the work of junior logistics officers and staff
  Coordinated as well as provided logistics support to ongoing land, air, river or rail operations
  Handled other related tasks as required
  Duration: August 20_ to February 20_
  Organization: ADP International, Chicago
  Designation: Assistant Logistic Manager
  Developed and updated Logistics management plan based on the approved project phasing and packaging strategy
  Ensured that the materials are received and stored in a proper place
  Developed as well as managed materials planning function for the product of the organization
  Responsible for loading and unloading trucks that deliver goods
  Ensured that the shelves are stocked, invoices are filed and orders are tracked
  Performed other essential tasks under the instructions of Logistic Staff Officer
  Core Competencies:
  Six years of progressive experience in logistic operations
  Advanced knowledge of logistic operations and practices
  Ability to prepare and present concise written


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