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怎样选专业英文作文范文 第一篇

As a college student, I want to make some money because I want to prove that I can grow up on my own. Part time job is my best choice, because I have a lot of time, I can use it, but doing part-time job is not only to make money, but also to learn from experience when choosing part-time job. We'd better make wise choice.

First, we can choose work related to future work, so that we can have work experience, for example, I want to be a teacher in the future Then I can choose to be a tutor, so when I find this job as my career, I will be the competition second. Part time should not spend too much time, because learning knowledge is the main responsibility of students. It is better to do part-time work on weekends.

It is good for college students. They will gain work experience and choose suitable jobs for the future make preparation.



怎样选专业英文作文范文 第二篇

Today is the fourth day of the holiday. The sun is shining, the sun is shining. A new day, a new star, never give up on it.

The beautiful world makes me happy. I used to cry and sad, but you know it's a good choice. Believe me, where there is a will, there is a way.



怎样选专业英文作文范文 第三篇

It's very important to choose the right career. The right choice usually leads to success and happiness, while the wrong choice often leads to failure and disappointment. Therefore, we must be well prepared to make the right choice when necessary.

If I want to choose a career, my principle is: in short, it should be a real service to my compatriots, not just for me to make a living. It should also provide me with space for creativity and imagination, because I want to live a rich and meaningful life. Finally, it should provide me with opportunities and challenges, stimulate my interest, and let me develop my ability.

There are many careers for me to choose from: teaching, news, social science research, etc. among them, the job of a journalist may be the most suitable for me, because it is an exciting job and full of challenges.





怎样选专业英文作文范文 第四篇

January is Benny's birthday. He's going to be eight. He's in third grade.

He goes to park primary school, a primary school built for children. It's only a mile away. He walks to school.

It takes only a few minutes when it rains. He wears a raincoat. He used to carry an umbrella.

But he lost it. His mother gave him another umbrella. He broke the umbrella.

His mother said on his eighth birthday, _you get along with the umbrella Benny wants a bike. He can go to school by bike after school. He can ride with his friends.

He can go to the swimming pool by bike. He can go to the library by bike. His parents take him to the bicycle shop.

They show him all the bicycles. He chooses a red bike. He shows it to his parents.

Dad says it's too expensive. Let Benny Choose another bike. Benny chose a blue bike.

Dad said the blue bike was the right price.



怎样选专业英文作文范文 第五篇

Success can have some experience to learn from, but there is no fixed pattern to follow blindly. Blindly following others is unlikely to achieve success but the goal of life pursuit. Leaving us is an indispensable goal of life and the hope of life.

The direction is the power and cornerstone of success and the source of yearning in the heart. People with lofty aspirations, ideals, ambitions, pursuits and self-improvement are the people You will know the right goal, choose the right path, know how to face the shortcomings, develop the strengths and avoid the weaknesses, never expect the best, and only the requirements are the most suitable. Only in this way can we have a clear concept, clear coordinates and a direction, and we can firm our faith and tap our potential.

We should give full play to our own strengths and concentrate on our own business. We should never judge ourselves by other people's standards Everyone has his own strong points, interests and hobbies. He is good at his major.

I find myself and develop my potential. I should give full play to it. In addition, with dice, over time, you will be succesul.



怎样选专业英文作文范文 第六篇

It happened on a Sunday morning two weeks ago. It was really hot. I was going to meet a friend because we had to catch a local train to meet my friend.

He was waiting for me on my way to the platform. I heard a low voice behind me. When I turned around, I saw an old woman in S shape climbing stairs to the platform.

She had to rush The train, with a heavy bag on her back, couldn't move. She asked me to help her get to the platform. I'll help her, carry her heavy bag and help her with my hands.

He even walked in the opposite direction, and I led her to the platform on the right. The old lady was glad to have someone help her, and she thanks me. I'm glad to be able to help her, even though she is a stranger to me.




怎样选专业英文作文范文 第七篇

A grandfather came home with two presents for his grandson. One was green and the other was red. He asked his grandson, _which candy do you want?_ So the grandson took the green one out of curiosity.

Then the grandfather asked the boy, _why did you choose the Green candy instead of it again?_ _Red looks more beautiful,_ Sun Tzu said. _I choose green because green is the color of hope._ so grandfather said, _well, that's good. What do you want?_ Sun Tzu said, _I hope you give me red too._.




怎样选专业英文作文范文 第八篇

Should I choose a good major or a good university first? Every student will face such a problem after passing the college entrance examination: should I choose a good major or a good university first? Some students prefer to consider the major first, so that they can learn what they are interested in. In my opinion, the best choice is to choose a good major in a good university. If we can't get both Majors at the same time, the first thing to consider is: environment is very important for one's development, and graduates from first-class universities are often easier to find A good job, a good major, because no matter where we study, as long as we try our best, we can still achieve a lot in a certain field.




怎样选专业英文作文范文 第九篇

It is very important to choose a major because it is related to our university life, our career and even our future life. Therefore, we need to choose our major carefully. When choosing a major, we need to consider several factors.

We need to consider our interest, because our major is related to our future career. We'd better choose a major we like. Secondly, our career planning is another factor that we need to consider before choosing a major.

We'd better consider what kind of career we want to do in the future. In addition, we should understand the development prospects of the employment market, so that we will not encounter too many difficulties. Finally, when looking for a job, we should consider the family economy at the same time, because some majors need more time and time to sum up.

We should consider various factors when choosing a major. In addition, we need to get some suggestions from parents, senior brothers and teachers We need to understand the true nature of each major rather than be confused by its suce.




怎样选专业英文作文范文 第十篇

A what do you think we should do to improve our English / what / when / how / where / sho [yes / have + + +] what should we do to improve our English? What do you think you are? Why do you think she is? What do you think is wrong with what he did? Where do you think I should take her to dinner / lunch.



怎样选专业英文作文范文 第十一篇

Dwyane Wade, basketball player's birthplace: January birthplace: Chicago, Illinois most famous names: Miami Heat's _lightning_ and _deward_ were born: Dwyane Talon Wade, who only stayed in the NBA for three years. Guard Dwyane Wade led the Miami heat to the championship and grew up in Chicago, Illinois Basketball legend Michael Jordan Wade, a recruiter at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was recruited by Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin Before becoming the fifth best player in NBA draft Wade, he was a star college player for two seasons. At 6'4, he was considered a short guard.

In his first season with the heat, he averaged minutes and points per . Since then, he has become the league's top player since Miami joined center Shaquille O'Neill Wade One of the good players, he's a fearless player, whose speed and athletic ability offset what critics call unreliable mid-range shots. He's made two All-Star appearances, played for the .

team at the Olympics, and was named the most valuable player in the finals, known as _lightning_ or _deward._ he's also a compe with LeBron James He joined the NBA the same year with Carmelo Anthony. His name was pronounced as _Dwayne_ NBA ﹥ NBA ﹥ Wade farring NBA ﹣ NBA ﹣ NBA ﹣ Wade farring NBA ﹣ NBA ﹣ NBA ﹥ Wade farring NBA ﹣ NBA ﹣.


德怀恩·韦德,篮球运动员出生地:xx月出生地:伊利诺伊州芝加哥市最著名的名字:迈阿密热火队的“闪电”和“德瓦德”出生时的名字:德怀恩·泰龙·韦德,在NBA只呆了xx年,后卫德怀恩·韦德带领迈阿密热火队夺得总冠军,并将其与在伊利诺伊州芝加哥长大的篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹·韦德相提并论,他是威斯康星州密尔沃基马奎特大学(Marquette University)招募的橡树草坪理查兹高中(Richards High School)的杰出球员,在成为NBA选秀韦德的第五名最佳球员之前,他曾是两个赛季的明星大学球员,在6尺4寸的身高被认为是一个身材矮小的后卫,此后他在热火队的第一个赛季平均每场上场分钟数和积分,自从迈阿密队加入中锋沙奎尔·奥尼尔·韦德已经成为联盟最好的球员之一,他是一位无所畏惧的选手,他的速度和运动能力抵消了批评人士所说的不可靠的中距离投篮,他两次入选全明星赛,曾在奥运会上为队效力,并被评为总决赛最有价值的球员,被称为“闪电”或“德瓦德”,他与同为竞争对手的勒布朗·詹姆斯和卡梅洛·安东尼是场外朋友,韦德同年加入NBA,他的名字发音是“德韦恩”NBA★NBA NBA★韦德·法林NBA★。



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