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雅思作文范文运动类题目 第一篇


比如:提升经济Improve economy

又比如:大型体育赛事 big sports events



facilitate v. 促进

multi-sport event n. 综合运动会

Act as an engine for 作为…的推动力

foreign exchange earnings n. 外汇收入

Major sporting events n. 重大体育赛事

culture dissemination n. 文化传播

spectators n. 体育赛事观众

set the stage v. 作为…的舞台

opening and closing ceremonies n. 开闭幕式

specular adj. 精彩绝伦的

      另外,对于Discuss both views类型题目,同学们一定要记住双方都必须讨论为什么对,而不是支持的观点讨论对+反对的观点讨论错。之前就有不少学生因为这种不必要的结构错误而挂掉写作的。


雅思作文范文运动类题目 第二篇

Some people think that the Olympic Games is an exciting event and can bring nations together. Others, however, think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


facilitate v. 促进

multi-sport event n. 综合运动会

preliminary adj. 初始的

Act as an engine for 作为…的推动力

foreign exchange earnings n. 外汇收入

Major sporting events n. 重大体育赛事

culture dissemination n. 文化传播

spectators n. 体育赛事观众

set the stage v. 作为…的舞台

opening and closing ceremonies n. 开闭幕式

specular adj. 精彩绝伦的

正方1:international sports event can largely facilitate the local economy of its host country. It is common that although holding multi-sport event requires a sheer amount of preliminary investment for a nation, it normally brings considerably more profit because it acts as an engine for development through foreign exchange earnings and the creation of direct and indirect employment.

正方2:Major sporting events can act as a carrier of culture dissemination of its hosting countries. Compared with organizing local sports events, which attract mostly local spectators, major international sports events such as Olympics set the stage for spreading unique local culture of the hosting nation to the globe because the uniqueness of its cultural heritage can be presented during opening and closing ceremonies through a series of specular performances.

雅思作文范文运动类题目 第三篇

There is a saying that xxxit's never too old to learnxxx. Similarly, what I want to say is that it's very necessary for everyone to exercise. We'd better take some time to exercise every day.

Generally speaking, proper exercise every day is certainly good for our health. It is a good way to exercise and accelerate blood circulation. For example, doing sit ups every day can exercise our waist, and doing exercise is also a good way to keep our mental health, because exercise can broaden our mind and release our pressure to a great extent.

For example, if we do some exercise, we will feel better. In addition, after working for a long time, exercise can make our brain more active, which is why many people choose to exercise when they have no new ideas. If you say you are too busy to run, then exercise is absolutely necessary.

It is better to breathe deeply or expand your chest every day than to do nothing.



雅思作文范文运动类题目 第四篇















雅思作文范文运动类题目 第五篇

With the improvement of living standards, more and more people begin to pay attention to their health. Different people have different ways to keep healthy. I'll tell you that the best way to keep healthy is to exercise.

We can't live without exercise. In spite of animal experiments, we found that the life expectancy of wild animals is twice that of stable breeding animals. Moreover, through a large number of data, it is confirmed that most people over 100 years old are manual workers.

However, how can exercise make us keep healthy first? For our body, it can increase respiratory function and expand our digestive system. Then, we will have a good appetite to eat, digest and absorb, and digestion can also become better. Although we persist for a long time, I Our body will become more and more strong, can resist many diseases, and long-term exercise can eliminate our fatigue, make our action agile, quick response, this is also an important method to keep our muscles strong, is also one of the most important parts, exercise can help us to keep a good mood, after exercise, you will find yourself in a person In the exciting atmosphere, all parts of your body feel fresh, and then you may feel that you have entered a new world, naturally blooming a brilliant smile, and keeping a good mood is also a useful way to keep healthy.

What I'm saying is that I hope everyone can do more exercise, so that we can keep healthy and remember the best way to keep healthy.






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