The ants move bread

更新时间:2024-04-10 07:47:34 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  One day, I sit under the big tree eat the bread, the bread dregs fall everywhere all am, while I eat the fragrance, an ant walked quietly, he saw me to fall in the ground bread dregs, probably used the antenna to smell, crossed a while, he then returned to its lair, transmitted the information to its companions, told them: “Big tree's under has many foods, all is we likes eating!”Crossed a while, a big crowd of ant arrived under the tree, they start to move the bread dregs, then the bread dregs which moves oneself toward the lair in ships, got up before long on the platoon the long troop.Some several ants are moving two biggest bread block son, but looks like the appearance which they move very much use energy.Ha ha, looked like the small ant was cannot move these two “the mountain”.At this time, also has come a big crowd of ant, they enormous and powerful arrive in front of the bread block son, they pided into two groups, the front ant have made an effort to pull, the behind ant made an effort to push.Slowly, two “the mountain” is towed unexpectedly by them in the hole. Under this I have shocked, original small ant unexpectedly like this intelligent, they depend upon collective the strength, has together completed the matter which this as if not impossible to complete, this matter let me understand: The human multi-strengths are big, the people ascend the firewood flame to be high, only then everybody unites, works as one, can do very much well the matter.




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