
更新时间:2024-05-14 20:50:44 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  On the day of April 4th, the weather is sunny, the temperature is not high not low, it is a good day for an outing. Starting with my grandmother in the countryside to Songjiang early in the morning.


  The air is really fresh ah! I see a yellow flowers of rape, I asked my grandmother: "rape is doing what it is to eat?" She answered: "the rape of the rapeseed mustard oil can." So I just pick a few rape, I tried to bite the rape root, wow, the original root moisture rape so much! She quickly said: "the rape of the root to eat but not eat, otherwise it will poisoning. "


  Walked, we saw the opening is bright beautiful peach, peach blossom! Peach blossom in full bloom like the smiling faces of children, fragrant and sweet, I really like the peach blossom spring! There is a river, peach trees on the side of Kawazu Kiyoshi, a group of ducks swimming in the river, like in the game. We walked along the river, and go to the edge of a piece of wheat, I asked my grandmother: "wheat is doing what?" Grandmother said: "the wheat into flour can play, you eat Steamed buns and noodles are made from wheat." I looked at the green of the wheat seedling to, the original green seedlings can also play into a white flour, nature is really amazing!


  The day passed quickly, and I was happy to go home, I want to go home to tell mom and Dad I see, smell, hear the beautiful nature.



早晨,阳光明媚,空气清新。  不知从哪里飞来的蒲公英,飘落在花园的土壤里。  没有人注意它,谁都不知道它从哪来,要到哪去。  突然,下了一场小雨,小蒲公英被这雨淋浴着,快活的说:“啊,好舒服,雨在大些就好了。”雨下了一会儿,突然停了。小...

2024-05-14 20:49



2024-05-14 20:47


在春天去赏花  想要变成樱花落入你的杯中  亲吻水中你的脸颊  在夏天风吹风铃  想要变成猫在你的臂弯中  远处不知哪里的烟火映红你的脸  在秋天看红叶  想要变成朝雾环绕拥抱你  在你的怀中被初日的温暖驱散  冬天下雪染白这一切  想...

2024-05-14 20:46


今天我准备写日记的时候,我发现忘带钢笔了。  于是,妈妈给我钱让我去买钢笔。半路碰到了同班的马米乃。  “你去哪儿?”她问我。  “我去买支钢笔。”  “我陪你一起去吧!”  我们边走边看风景,路旁的柳树披上了一身绿装。一阵微风拂过,柳...

2024-05-14 20:44


>春节是指汉字文化圈传统上的农历新年,俗称“年节”,传统名称为新年、大年、新岁,但口头上又称度岁、庆新岁、过年。带来了>关于春节见闻的小学作文【三篇】,欢迎大家阅读。>   篇一  早上醒上,一道和熙的阳光射进小屋。我微微张开朦胧睡眼,不经...

2024-05-14 20:43


一天,小兔格奈和妈妈森诺一起到森林里采蘑菇。  格奈发现前面的草地上有一些彩色蘑菇,有黄色的,有红色的。格奈惊喜地说:“妈妈!那边有好看的彩色蘑菇,我去采一些来吃!  森诺说:”格奈,别去摘哪些彩色蘑菇!  格奈很奇怪,它一脸疑惑地对妈...

2024-05-14 20:42
