小学三年级优秀英语作文my family

更新时间:2024-05-24 12:13:26 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  >my family 英语作文_第1篇:

  The home, is what everyone is eager to get, but I have a happy family.

  I love my mom and dad, I regard them as my friend, what's the sorrow, what's the happy thing, I will be always they tell you.

  Dad had a I love him, and a love of his mother. Because dad had the two spiritual pillar, so his work has been very successful. Father is the man I most admire, he in my heart, it is very sacred. The pursuit of excellence, is the goal of my father a lifetime!

  Mother have a love her, I still have a love of his father. Mother is the mainstay of our home, the mother the housework all, never let dad worry about. Mother treats her own work, too, diligent, no resentment. Mother is the angel in my heart!

  Look! The three of us together of the life is how happy ah! Three people HeHeMuMu together, although sometimes there will be a small episode, but will soon end.

  I now, is mother in casting. The mother often said to me: "daughter, you are my pride!" This is the word and swim with me in the knowledge in the garden.

  I now, dad is paving the way for me. Whenever I have what achievement, dad wouldn't say anything, but to see his bright smile, satisfactory nodded to me, my heart like water, gathered strength is a little bit!

  Home, you will always be a cup of wine people never tired of!









  >my family 英语作文_第2篇:

  My home four mouth people, father watching TV, love of mother, love to play computer's sister, the last one is naughty to me.

  Dad, character gentle love watching TV. The wulin wind started at a time, dad did not leave before the TV, I mutter: "my father is such a couch potato."

  Mother also very gentle character has a pair of watery big eyes, cherry small mouth, not fat or thin body. Mother love dressing up, charmingly mother will go out every morning. Remember once, my mother didn't know where to put the doll bright eye. I can't help but say: "oh, mom how nice!"

  Sister has a head of jet-black hair and a pair of beautiful eyes, sister love playing computer, every time I see computer sister boast about. Remember that a sister bought a laptop computer, my sister did not leave the computer all day, my sister is a geek.

  My personality is lively, the hobby is art, and I am also very naughty. That time, my good friend's birthday party, I saw the cake, my mind had an idea. From with some butter on the cake, I went to my good friend, wipe on the face, in a very short time her face was I became a clown.

  This is my family, this is my happy and happy family!









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