
更新时间:2024-06-11 13:52:29 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



  We never starts in September, on my way to work at groups, dragging suitcases students, whether they like in those days we, also, with a fresh holiday experience happy to return to the familiar dormitory, roommates here waiting all over the world, and then start after night chat? Do you also complain about the school food or the good food in your hometown? And I, how I wish I was one of them. Also this month, we are working in the place, this coastal city, and the acquaintance not too soon colleagues, Shouting at the moon cakes, people in the pie! After this year's unforgettable Mid-Autumn festival, the National Day holiday, bought dried seafood to take home. When I came back from work for the first time, I suddenly became patient. I learned to answer my family's questions slowly, and I also learned to care about the family affairs. With the family to sweep the grave, the cousin still likes to run in front, the cousin still likes to be "the heel bullshit". When climbing to the top of the mountain, the wind is particularly cool, the trees are very green, the Fried chicken and ducks are very delicious!

  There was the night of the singles' day last year. Who and you are walking in the rain, who and you are running in the typhoon, who and you work to light the railway track, happily eat a cheap midnight snack? Only the railway men! On this day, I declare that I am determined not to marry a railway man; The red envelopes are filled with scratches. There are unhappy and happy singles day.

  This year New Year's day to go to work, received a lot of friend's blessing information, after graduation the contact is much rise, originally had so many students are in the railroad work. Entering the society has a new beginning, competent work needs to be relearned, through hard work we will be better.

  In these months, I became a railway man. Go to the beach that can not swim also can bubble, climb up not tall and tall the fairy mountain that is suitable for late deng and again sister gather, ride in the sea breeze face of the sunset of the pier. Because of you, I am no stranger to this city.


  Graduation, like a glass door, I am very calmly walked through a door and a door, always thought bitter pieces will not cut themselves, but looking back, is not only a fluids, and cry in the past.

  Before graduation, said: the yellow halo in the light is very beautiful, will not walk alone, at least I accompany. But I do not know because young ignorance walked into the long earth, or did not care to break into the sky long.

  I can't remember the real sea dead.

  Occasionally surfing the Internet or going to the space of your classmates, there are always so many words to say, but the message says something is not your own; The story. I can't find the familiar feeling, there is only my memory, and the memory doesn't have any power, that's all.

  Before the mid-term exam, the review of those days was always irritable, I forgot about the surrounding things and forgot myself.


  May have staggered, leisurely walking is the season of phoenix flower to open in June, in the month of the on and off from time to time there is always a faint grief welled up in my mind, this time is you say goodbye to each other's graduation, no matter how happy as a runaway wild horse can finally from three years in the teacher's clutches, how don't give up or don't want to frolic with three years to play good "ice", draw out a sword to help friends apart, or how much forward to can finally set foot on the next journey of life, can avoid parting mood.

  Three years is such a brief turn of the eye, short like a cup of water to drink up; It was like a train passing by, but it was like a merciless arrow that ran through the parting heart. The three years I do not know how many joys and sorrows, all in a memoir, have the joy of the first to go spring outing, the second day go to stimulate every night camping, grade go crazy graduation trip, until finally all is taken an examination of hard struggle together, and the graduation ceremony full of tears. The years have been so hard that I've survived. The lucky? Looking forward to? Should you breathe? Don't slack off too soon, the long road ahead is not yet open, we are just standing at the beginning, after the first step, we will never turn back. The parting is to prepare for the next time, and it would be humiliating to have a runny nose and tears at the graduation ceremony. I also experienced the moment of separation when I was in sixth grade, and I still remember it vividly. Warm tears trickled down from the corners of their eyes and passed through the cheeks of their pinky cheeks to a big, bean-like tears, and dropped to the palms of their hands in sweaty palms. Tears soaked my face; Soaked in my skirts; Soaked my heart. Learn to moderate to adjust their mood, ready to have the courage to face the next journey, people say that is a new turning point in June, it ended an era of young, parting opened a dream of growing up. We are galloping on a boulevard called dream, and June's departure is a new beginning. In June, the music was gone; June is such a sentimental day; In June everything seems to have been taken away with it. Out of the original group life, launched two white wings fly with beautiful proud attitude toward perfect dream, if encounter setbacks in the process, don't give up you just dropped a few feathers, how much effort in front of the wings, how hard to say goodbye to life, don't let the efforts were in vain.



我是一个脆弱的女孩,遇到困难的事情,总是逃避,从而导致我什么事也做不成。  坚强瑟吉欧每一个人都要具备的,坚强往往也是成功的前提。所以我也必须要学会坚强。  暑假和父亲一起去看病,医生说做一个小手术,我一听到手术就吓得直想哭,尽管我竭力...

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夕阳西下,鸟雀归家,太阳把整个天空烧得通红,原本金色的沙滩,抹上了一层薄薄的腮红。我立在甲板上,海风迎面扑来,海浪拍打着沙滩,这一切都让我陶醉。  在寒冬来临之前,信天翁必须学会飞行。瞧!它们开始试飞了,一只只信天翁拍打着自己大而有力的...

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我渐渐的感觉到城市的纷扰和喧闹令我烦恼,可是,当美丽的季节在变化、在飘舞时,这一切的一切却又让我感到无限美好。  新校园虽然让我感到陌生,但又很亲切,在嘻嘻哈哈的度过了美好的时光,我感到很幸福。至少比我刚刚开学时,每晚描绘着天上皎洁又孤...

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