
更新时间:2024-08-22 08:26:09 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  Different people like different food. Most children like ice cream, so do I. The ice cream has a lot of taste, such as chocolate ice Dream, strawberry ice cream ,milk ice cream and so on. I like the chocolate ice cream best. Because it's delicious. I always eat it in the summer. It made me feel cool. My mother tells me not to eat too much ice cream. It's not good for our health. But I still love ice cream.


  Fish is my favorite food. I don’t know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it. What’s more, I don’t care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons. Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual. So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh.


  In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition. It's good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes combine with each other to make the food more delicious.


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外公家有几把竹制的椅子,椅子坐上去有些硬,但不失温暖。今年暑假回家,我发现了椅子的秘密。  一放暑假,妈妈就带我回了老家。家乡的人仍是原来的人,仅是面容多了几分苍白;树仍是原来的树,仅是年轮又多了几圈。  夜里洗完澡,披散着头发站在阳台...

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