
更新时间:2024-04-15 08:18:13 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  I always hear about my friends’ complaining, they say their income is such low that they can’t not make ends meet. At first, I would pity for them, but in the long run, I find their work is so easy, they just sit in the office from 9 am to 5 pm, they even don’t need to go out for business. While I see another friend, he works so hard, his working hour is very unstable, sometimes he even works until 9 pm. The fact is that he earns the most between my friends. It is true that no pain, no gain, if people want more, they need to pay out more. Comparing to be envy about other people’s great income, we’d better to work hard to realize what we want. There is not short-cut for people to get successful, working hard is the only way.



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>【篇一】校园防火 Campus fire safety  People are alarmed by the succession of campus fires in recent years. In each of these a...

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2024-04-14 18:01


不论是求学还是做事都要学会坚持,看准了就要坚定不移、坚韧刻苦、坚持不懈地做下去,不话成功誓不罢休。本文是小编为大家整理的以坚持为话题高中作文800字,欢迎阅读。  以坚持为话题高中作文800字1:  我曾听妈妈说过这样一个故事:这个故事...

2024-04-14 17:59


天上的乌云就像脱缰的野马,如潮水一般滚滚而来,吞噬了整个蓝天,不留一点空隙。突然,一道闪光划破天空,轰隆隆的雷声随即而来,地崩山裂似爆破轰鸣声,夏姑娘已姗姗而来。  “夜雨染成天水碧,千里雨声洗红埃”,那一场炎热送清凉的雨倾盆天下,夏由...

2024-04-14 17:58


我爱极了这块土地,湿润又暖和。  冬至已过,我把自己喂了个大饱,回到住了多年的窝里,卷成一团,准备睡个长觉,期待着一觉醒来就看到春暖花开。  然而,寒冷并未如期到来。连续的晴天里,阳光温暖着土地,也温暖着我。我仍旧闭着眼,权当老天爷在抽...

2024-04-14 17:56
