
更新时间:2024-07-23 18:15:22 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  Weibo, a microblogging, make a lot of people have a stage show ego, brought the world a "everybody can speak, everyone can be focused on" era.

  Weibo, in just a few dozen words, it is impossible to make anyone on the microblogging opinion leaders, is as a news agency reporter, most will be an instant latest news with the least amount of words, with the fastest speed to tell someone. Weibo to personal network oriented real-time radio, through the way of cluster, everyone can form an own audience community. With micro blogs will be released to his personal views and opinions of the audience, with the most refined words to express the deep point of view. For example, a few days ago in wenzhou passing move car tracing cauda, "41 people and injured more than 200 people have taken to more than 200 hospitals, the death toll of 19 people identity." The latest news on weibo. "On the microblogging, 140 - word limit to civilians and Shakespeare to the same level." I also have a weibo, we that a few is also a primary school classmates together talk about learning or extracurricular activities, have unlimited fun. However, everything has advantages and deficiency.

  Weibo is take the world toward a new era, but also to the future world for side wall. Weibo because some primary school students surf the Internet chat, so grades plummeted, eyesight also serious decline. They lie prone on the computer every day, because of the computer radiation caused the mind, insomnia, dry eyes wait for a symptom, bet on health to talk. You don't use health for happy, can chat weibo, but not too much.


  微博,短短几十个字,也不可能让任何人在微博客上成为意见领袖,最多就是如同一个通讯社记者那样,将一个最新的即时新闻用最少的言语,以最快的速度告诉别人。微博,以个人面向网络的即时广播,通过群聚的方式,每个人都可以形成一个自己的听众群落。用微博客的方式,将个人的见解和观点发布给自己的听众,以最精炼的词汇来表达最高深的观点。比如,前几天温州路过的一动车追尾,“41人死亡200多人伤已有200多人送往医院救治,死亡人数其中19人身份确认。”微博上发出了最新消息。 “在微博客上,140字的限制将平民和莎士比亚拉到了同一水平线上。”我也有一个微博,我们那几个同样是小学的同学会一起聊一聊学习或课外活动,有无限乐趣。但是,任何事物都有优与缺。




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