
更新时间:2024-08-09 13:14:22 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  Homework is an important exercise for us to practise what we learned from school, however, a lot of students like to plagiaze other students, it is no good for ourselves.

  Most of people who like to plagiarize will think there is no harm for plagarizing, but when we are grown up, can we still plagiarize others work? i think the answer is obviously not, and when you are copying work from others, you can't learn anything of it, what teach told you and teach you, you will eventually all forget, and when you homework is found similar with others students after you handing over, it will be shamed both for you and your parents.

  So, don't plagiarize other students, trust yourself, you can do any homework by yourself and gain from it.


  Homework is an important exercise for us to practise what we learned from school, however, a lot of students like to plagiaze other students, it is no good for ourselves.

  Most of people who like to plagiarize will think there is no harm for plagarizing, but when we are grown up, can we still plagiarize others work? i think the answer is obviously not, and when you are copying work from others, you can't learn anything of it, what teach told you and teach you, you will eventually all forget, and when you homework is found similar with others students after you handing over, it will be shamed both for you and your parents.

  So, don't plagiarize other students, trust yourself, you can do any homework by yourself and gain from it.


  Homework is an important exercise for us to practise what we learned from school, however, a lot of students like to plagiaze other students, it is no good for ourselves.

  Most of people who like to plagiarize will think there is no harm for plagarizing, but when we are grown up, can we still plagiarize others work? i think the answer is obviously not, and when you are copying work from others, you can't learn anything of it, what teach told you and teach you, you will eventually all forget, and when you homework is found similar with others students after you handing over, it will be shamed both for you and your parents.

  So, don't plagiarize other students, trust yourself, you can do any homework by yourself and gain from it.



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