高一叙事作文 :Still Figuring It Out1500字

更新时间:2024-08-25 08:08:50 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  Since I just graduated from junior high this summer, I'm trying to find a platform to A,help kids go through their junior years with ease and B,express some of my feelings. I have great English skills and I hope people can listen to my thoughts. It's me against the world, but if you guys do listen, it's us against the world and we will all try to figure it out together.

  MY FIRST SHOT: to those who just finished their big exams

  I finished my big exam in June and I should be enjoying my 3 months holiday, however, it turned out that I didn't get a good grade. So instead I locked myself up in my bedroom and try to figure this all out.A. I didn't get enough score to get in my dream school.B. I blame myself for letting my parents down.C. God why didn't I try harder.And it's A all over again.

  If any of you find yourself in this situation, please stop worrying, trust me. Talk to your parents, I felt much better after doing so. If they truly love you, they'll understand. My parents told me that C was completely wrong and B was stupid, they will never be disappointed in me if I really put my heart into something. A however, is the reality, and guys, if you are in this shadow of blaming yourself, remember this sentence: Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.

  I know you're confused, teens do try to figure themselves out but teens turns out to be complicated. I don't want to talk big because I bet you've all heard much, so if there's only one thing you should learn from this, I want you guys to stop cursing the darkness and just light a candle.




生命的钟摆在日出与日落中摆着,在起点和终点间摇着,看见时间流逝,莫惶恐。转瞬间,生命的质量掘出时光,无穷。  叹时光易逝,怅光阴转瞬。的确,低头,指尖不断地刷屏中漏下缕缕光阴,换得一缕叹息。的确,等待,球迷用一个又一个四年,影迷用一部又...

2024-08-24 19:57


>【篇一】  秋,给人的感觉永远都是和平的,可是在很多地方,很多人都认为秋天的颜色是黄色的。而我却认为它是绿色的,永远都是绿色的。  就从我家前的公园说起吧!  只要是从远处看的都认为现在是夏天或者春天,因为这里的草啊,树啊都是绿的,而...

2024-08-24 18:44


中考刚刚结束,那些似友非友的朋友都说我终于可以轻松一下,母亲说我还要紧张的投入高中的学习生活,而自认为很了解我的哥们们则点着头说阿晨从来对什么事情都是无所谓的,何况一个小小的中考。  在与我同年纪的所谓朋友中,几乎每一个都已经是高中一年...

2024-08-24 18:41


昨夜西风凋碧树.独上高楼,望尽天涯路.  当公鸡开始打鸣,当第一缕阳光撒向大地,当露水滴落溅起水花,我从睡梦中醒来,开始自己的生活.沐浴着阳光,吮吸着露水,吞噬着野草,我是一条毛毛虫,拖着臃肿的身躯,悠闲穿梭在草丛之中.  远处一只蝴蝶...

2024-08-24 18:40


昨夜西风凋碧树.独上高楼,望尽天涯路.  当公鸡开始打鸣,当第一缕阳光撒向大地,当露水滴落溅起水花,我从睡梦中醒来,开始自己的生活.沐浴着阳光,吮吸着露水,吞噬着野草,我是一条毛毛虫,拖着臃肿的身躯,悠闲穿梭在草丛之中.  远处一只蝴蝶...

2024-08-24 18:39


太阳:小弟,找我有什么事呀?  地球:太阳老哥,现在人间都在逐步解决夫妻分居的问题,我们总不能永远让牛郎和织女分居两地呀!  太阳:你准备怎样解决呢?  地球:我想凭自己的力量把织女星背过银河去,让他们俩欢聚一起,共享天伦之乐。  太阳...

2024-08-24 18:37
