
更新时间:2024-06-15 19:51:26 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx



I am warm and cheerful personality, friendly, honest and humble. Hard work,serious and responsible, can bear hardships and stand hard work, due diligence,patience. Affinity, approachable, good at communicating with people.

Study hard seriously, outstanding achievements, among the best. E-cellentin character and learning, for three consecutive years to obtain Collegescholarships.

Served as the Department of student outreach Department of cadres, deputyminister, the Youth League organization life member of the class, the studentswork and go out sponsorship links with the business process, greatly improvingtheir work and their ability. In addition, actively participate ine-tra-curricular activities, a variety of social activities and part-time work,in order to increase their e-perience, improve their ability. Work e-perience inthe way, e-ercise eloquence and interpersonal skills. For two consecutive yearsto get college summer social practice activists, student union outstandingofficer and other honorary titles.

In normal school life, has done a lot of part-time. For e-ample: tutor,telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter, leaflets, questionnaire survey, andalso to the factory a summer job, e-perience a variety of different operationalprocedures and work methods, e-ercise become diligent spirit, and from the workto appreciate the fun and dedication.

Four years of college, so my organizational skills, management ability,strain ability greatly improved, so I have a good psychological quality, let mehave a greater competitive advantage, let me go farther in life. Obtained thetitle of "e-cellent college students" and "outstanding graduates".







Good morning/afternoon, teachers and classmates. I'm --- from class 1. I ama girl/boy of 13. My family including my father, mother and me. I likebasketball best. In addition, I also like table tennis. My favorite food iscarrots. I'm also very interested in snacks. What, I'm good at computer. Usingthe computer E-mail, shopping and even solve my problems in the study and thelife is so convenient. So I put my computer as my good helper. As for reading,I've read about magic novel. Are these. Nice to meet you! I sincerely hope tomake friends with you.



My name is --, -- yearsold this year, -- is about to get a -- degree from-X-university. I am honored to participate in this interview today, I amconfident that they can have a good performance.

My major is --. In addition to firmly grasp the professional knowledge, Iam interested in English and computer is very strong, during the school passedthe professional English -, computer - level.

Life, I am more optimistic and easy-going personality, easy to get alongwith, but I am serious and careful at work, there is no trace of careless. Ibelieve that the pressure of work is the driving force for progress. If you arewilling to give me a motivation, I will try my best to do the work well.





Everybody is good, my name is called He -uan, my English name is calledAngle. Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forevercan look like the angel equally happily, joyful, is carefree all day! I in thesi-th grade, faced with rose the middle school now, father and mother,grandfather paternal grandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very bige-pectation to me, I will certainly not disappoint their e-pectation, will studydiligently, passes an e-amination junior middle school's key class! In thefuture will become social a person of great ability and tremendous potential,will make the contribution for the motherland!




Hello, my name is ---. -- years old this year, just a year. University ofeconomics is to learn, although it is still hard to learn, the result is notfine school. I am a local Wuhan, but rarely say Wuhan, not strange, I thinkMandarin is more a gentleman, ha ha...... Mainly about their basic situation,such as name, age, profession and hometown, you girls can not say that the ageof. You can also roughly speak a little bit about college. You can also talkabout their own diligence, sureness, progress, sincerity and so on. Look at whatyou need to say what, try to colloquial, vivid, plus a little smile, this isvery important) my interest hobby, too little, billiards, and reading it on 331.I love billiards, you can do after sparring, rookie level is, you win enough.Gobang is less of an outsider, seemingly over the years haven't lost, areinterested can learn about. Reading is a part of many people's leisure life, isnot to say, but it is not an e-aggeration, reading efficiency, really good, canreach the standard of one hundred thousand words for two hours, if you lovereading it, and I don't have the efficiency ratio. In fact, the character may bein the interests of the interest, so the first paragraph can not say. Talk abouttheir hobbies more conducive to making friends, you girls generally like to seethe United States blockbuster, drama, etc., you can also mention Now just out ofthe campus, the work is not very understanding, I hope that many of thepredecessors pointing. There is nothing in the work done well, I hope a lot ofunderstanding, after all, we are starting from the new. Time really flies,college life is over, and now also on the job, a new starting point, a newstart, I would like to work with everyone, for the company to re createbrilliant. Wish the business development on the upgrade, you work smoothly. Wewant to know more about me, can be more e-changes. Thank you. That's all.








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