
更新时间:2024-07-02 07:37:05 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

Name: xxx
  Sex: Female
  National: Han
  Date of birth: xx on years xxx
  Marital Status: Single
  Weight: xxx
  Residence: xxx
  Is the location: xxx
  Graduate school: xxx
  Education: xxx
  Professional Name: automotive technology and marketing services
  Year of Graduation: 20_
  Work Experience: One year or less
  Contact phone: xxx
  Job intentions
  The nature of jobs: full-time
  Job category: sales - sales representative / sales staff - channel / distribution Commissioner
  Job Title: Sales consultant; services consultant;
  Work areas: district in Changsha, Hunan, Kai-Fu;
  Treatment requirements: 2,500 yuan / month do not need to provide housing
  Reported for duty time: one week
  Skills expertise
  Language Ability: English 3A; Putonghua standard
  Education and experience:
  Time school qualifications
  September 20_ - July 20_ xxx xxx
  Work experience:
  Company: Hunan Lantian Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.
  Time frame: months - December 20_
  Company nature: collective enterprises
  Their respective industries: automobiles, motorcycles
  Hold office for: Sales Consultant
  Job description:
  In the work of more than four months to receive the relevant product knowledge and sales skills training and then proceed to work:
  1. To collect customer information, to open up the market
  2. Reception to introduce customers to the customer and provide the corresponding product information, mining customer demand, providing advice to customers
  3. Proposed test drive, and guide to the customer, transaction pricing
  4. Delivery ready to provide customers with satisfactory service (including the introduction of after-sales service)
  5. On time and pay a return visit to customers to provide service
  6. Focus on good customer can provide mortgages, on the licensing and insurance information, at the appropriate time Annex Recommended products
  Work with colleagues in the relations between the living together harmoniously, and have achieved considerable results, to master the related mortgage, such as negotiation skills and business processes
  Self-evaluation: I work in a positive and motivated, responsible, has a wealth of experience in car sales, car sales to understand the basic techniques and processes! Have good communication skills, to the warm hospitality customers, a very good grasp and manage customers, pay attention to sales every detail of the process, especially after-sales care. Received some training and social practice, a motor vehicle driver's license and certificate
  The direction of development: the ability to upgrade themselves through the posts and training in all aspects of their ability to increase the social experience to the management of staff development, so that their attitude towards life and work positive attitude



要尽量提供个人简历中提到的业绩和能力的证明资料,并作为附件附在个人简历的后面。以下是整理的心理教师个人简历范文,欢迎阅读!>【篇一】心理教师个人简历范文  姓名:XX  3年以上工作经验|男|26岁(1985年05月6日)  居住地:北京 ...

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