my best friend英语作文50字(精选)

更新时间:2024-07-30 07:40:29 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  He, my best friend, we are very concerned about each other is also very happy!

  Short black hair, with its unique flavor. Often will twinkle in the eyes for eyes. It wears a T-shirt, pants, thick cotton-padded jacket... A child is full of vitality, also make the joke a distress situation.

  He is on his way to LiuHu garden, and I in front of a crossroads. "The red light, wait!" I always obey traffic specification, as always stopped.

  At this time, the traffic wardens slowly coming to us, parked in front of us, looked him up and down. "He wanted to why ah? Always staring at us, what to do?" A word is a kind of say a feeling.

  He, my best friend, we are very concerned about each other is also very happy!

  Short black hair, with its unique flavor. Often will twinkle in the eyes for eyes. It wears a T-shirt, pants, thick cotton-padded jacket... A child is full of vitality, also make the joke a distress situation.

  He is on his way to LiuHu garden, and I in front of a crossroads. "The red light, wait!" I always obey traffic specification, as always stopped.

  At this time, the traffic wardens slowly coming to us, parked in front of us, looked him up and down. "He wanted to why ah? Always staring at us, what to do?" A word is a kind of say a feeling.

  When we grow, meet thousands of people, in the crowd come and go, but only a few friends, best friends and even fewer











  In class, my best friend is Huang Wu nameplates, she, she is neither tall nor short, not fat or thin figure, round face has a pair of big eyes, small mouth like a cherry, her smile, will show two small dimples.

  Her English is very good, read an English book are all she knows, English teacher still let her take to read English!

  Performance in the class, she may not be the best of a man! Because sometimes I can also more than her (my math, Chinese and English are not very well) she is my best best best friends, although I have trouble with her several times, but, when she will come with me and finally, when I cry, she is always so sweet, ran over to comfort me; "What's the matter with you? Don't cry." Huang Wu nameplates, dasey composition of is me, a few times I see her the best, the composition of both the scenery, write, write, write free writing, she is to write very well.

  She is my best friend, I am very glad to be with her become good friends!








2024-07-30 07:38



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