
更新时间:2024-09-11 11:43:02 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


  I have a hard- work dad.He is very kind and healthy, He loves me very much.

  He has a tall nose, two big eyes and short black hair. He’s not tall. But he is very smart.

  He’s funny. He likes to do sports very much.I think his favourite colour is red. Because he has many red things. My dad usually tells me: Failure is the mother of success.

  He looks after me well. The weather has been cold, he calls me to put on the clothes.

  He is a good dad. I like to stay with my dad.


  My family is poor. My father has to work very hard to make us live a normal life. My mother has to take care of the trifles, so all the economic burden fall on the shoulder of my dad. He takes three jobs. Every morning, he gets early to send milk and then goes to work. Sometimes he does some part-time job after dinner. On weekend, he has another job in the downtown. He has little time to rest. I am worry about his physical health. Dad, can you have a rest?


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