
更新时间:2024-09-14 19:50:27 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  Today, my friend and I went to another friend's house to play, came to his house, we suddenly all silly eye, her everywhere is chicken, chaos, almost all dozen. They were one family act with confusion, we will go to help them catch the chicken.

  My friend got a chicken's way, the chicken cluck sound, as if to say: "get out of the way quickly for my!" We are without demur, sprang forward, the chicken also seems to feel a murderous, everywhere flashing wings, make up a dust, on the ground around the foot, like stepping on a hot wheels, be fatigued with the journey. Wait until it ran to a corner, we will bring a large basket, give it a cover, it has Goo Goo Goo cried, as if to ask us not to catch it, the appearance is really funny. After we catch it, put it back to the chicken master. Really happy ah, this field to catch chickens war put me out of a sweat, refreshing burst, just go home to wash himself stink.

  Today's catch chicken war really happy.



今天,我怀着十二万分的愧疚以及十二万分的懊悔给您写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对旷课这种恶劣行为的深痛恶绝及打死也不再旷课的决心。   早在我刚踏进这个班级的时候,您就已经三令五申,一再强调,全班同学,不得迟到,不得旷课。其时,老师反复教...

2024-09-14 19:48


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2024-09-14 16:59


今年暑假妈妈给我报了游泳班,我已经学了一个星期。上课的时间是:周二、周四、周六下午的6:00-7:30,周日上午的10:00-11:30。我们每节游泳课都会做游戏、闷水、打腿,游泳可真开心呀!  开学的第一节课我什么都不会,经过一个星期...

2024-09-14 16:10



2024-09-14 16:05


【>篇一】  开学的第一天,学校组织我们看《开学第一课》。其中给我印象最深的是刘伟大哥哥。  刘伟大哥哥没有手,居然能用脚弹出那么美妙的琴声,而且考上了大学。可以想象,他付出的努力一定比常人多得多,他克服起困难来也一定比我们难得多,毕竟...

2024-09-14 16:02


今天晚上,茶余饭饱后,我们一家人去街上散步。  快过年了,街上挂满了彩灯,树上还装饰了各种陆离的彩花。商店门口彩带闪烁,真是完美地诠释了“火树银花”一词。大街小巷鞭炮声,呐喊声,欢笑声把隆重的年味儿荡漾开来。在这个美好的晚上,我一边欣赏...

2024-09-14 16:01
