我的爱好英语作文:画画 Drawing

更新时间:2024-06-08 11:24:31 发布时间: 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

  Since the childhood, I took up painting has a special emotion. In second grade, my mother sends me to the children's coaching center of painting and calligraphy classes, under the careful supervision of the teacher, my drawing is getting better and better, interest in painting is becoming more and more strong, from now on, I paint with the indissoluble bond.

  Recently, in order to celebrate the party's 18, painting and calligraphy class totally to make forty block wall newspaper, each person must draw the picture. Heard the exciting news, my in the mind secretly complacent: I must take a picture, show me the best talent.

  Got home, I was eager to take out a pen and paper, according to the teacher fei draft ready to draw. This is a picture of a child draws, painting is a mother fox caught a chicken, is feeding the baby fox. I make sure the good location, and put the drew up very carefully. About ten minutes, I will copy all ready. Then I spent five minutes to cancel again, finally began to fill color. Coloring is the most time consuming, went red, and blue, a white, a black, a deep, shallow, I carefully painted. Everything comes to him who waits, and after half an hour, finally accomplished, a vivid, colorful painting and now my eyes, and looked at his own work achievement, my heart felt so proud.

  I believe, as long as the effort, unremitting painting, in the near future, I can become an excellent little painter, please a thumbs-up, cheer for me!







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